A trial aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the Ketogenic diet in children that suffer from uncontrollable epileptic fits has concluded there is a link between the dietary treatment and the controlling of symptoms. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: July 2015
Anxiety and depression caused by stress could be linked to bacteria in the intestines
Following a recent study, scientists at a university in Canada have discovered that both anxiety and depression could be linked to the presence of bacteria in the intestines. Continue reading
‘Immense breakthrough’ as it is discovered schizophrenia begins early in life
How one critical gene functions during the first week after a baby’s birth may have a bearing on his/her developing schizophrenia, reveals a new study. Continue reading
NHS doctors receive new guidance regarding referrals for suspected bipolar cases
New guidance to help doctors and medical professionals refer patients with suspected bipolar disorder has been circulated by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Continue reading
Self-monitoring app to help epilepsy patients is launched
Following a collaboration between various medical experts and people with epilepsy, along with the NHS and epilepsy charity SUDEP Action, a new smartphone app has been launched to help people monitor their condition. Continue reading
Nutritional needs of people with autism should to be examined
A new article has examined the nutritional needs of people with autism, as they often have food issues. Continue reading
Virtual reality being used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychological disorders
Dr Lucia Valmaggia, a psychological researcher at King’s College London, has used virtual reality technology to gain a more in-depth understanding of disorders like schizophrenia, psychosis, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Continue reading
NHS to deal with the ‘over-medication’ of people with learning disabilities
NHS England has stated that it will take swift action to resolve the issue of people with learning disabilities and autism being given unnecessary medication, with an official summit on the issue to be held on 17th July. Continue reading