Former boxing champion fronts new men’s mental health campaign

A former heavyweight boxing champion is fronting a new campaign geared towards raising awareness of mental health and mental illnesses.

Ex-boxer Frank Bruno is heading up the new In Your Corner campaign, which has been put together by charity group Time to Change.

In particular, Mr Bruno and the charity are interested in ending the stigma attached to mental health amongst men and masculine society.

He is encouraging men to “step in” if ever they start to see signs of mental health problems in any of their friends.

“I’m backing the In Your Corner campaign because too many people are suffering in silence,” Mr Bruno said.

“This has to change. I know from my own experience that mental illness can ruin lives.

“It almost destroyed mine,” he said.

The boxing legend has overcome a number of mental health challenges over the course of his life and hugely successful career.

He said: “Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time so if you think your mate’s on the ropes, step in and be the corner man they need.

“Take it from me, it can make all the difference.”

Sue Baker, Director of Time to Change, added: “We know that men want to be there for each other but when it comes to mental health, many are still wary of acting on their concerns.

“This is why it’s great to have heroes like Frank throwing their weight behind our campaign to improve attitudes towards mental health.”